Channel: GAM3VIDZ
Category: Gaming
Tags: black ops 3 zombies chroniclesmoon remastereddlc 5bo3 moon zombiesmoon pack a punchmoon zombies gameplaybo3 zombiesblack ops zombiesblack ops 3 zombiesgam3vidzblack ops 3 zombies live streamblack ops 3stream lootszombiescall of duty zombiescod zombiesbo3 mooncall of duty®: black ops iiizombies chroniclesmoon zombiesmoonbo3 zombies moongam3vidz zombiesstreamlootsblack ops 3 zombies moon
Description: Thanks for checking out my Moon Remastered Live Stream! I'm playing the remastered Moon on Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies. 👑 - Become a member: 🃏 - Buy Cards to interact on Stream: 🤑 - Tip some money: ❤️ - Subscribe For More: 💬 - Join my discord: 🐦 - Follow me on twitter: -------- Moon is the eleventh and final Zombies map included in Call of Duty: Black Ops in the Rezurrection map pack. It was released on August 23 for Xbox 360 and September 22 on PS3 and PC. The Ultimis characters, Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo and Richtofen, once again return. Moon is the largest Zombies map in Call of Duty: Black Ops, and the third largest zombies map in terms of playable area after Green Run and Origins. -